Happy employees = happy company. This is an equation we solved a long time ago and that we keep front and center of our company.
We know from experience that happy employees will bring their best selves to work, enjoy what they do, and do it successfully.
That’s why a huge part of our “happy employees = happy company” equation is our very own Personal Development Program. It’s a carefully structured, internal personal and professional growth program that we’ve developed based on and for our employees’ needs.
So, let’s see what it’s all about and what you have to look forward to if you decide to join our team.
The Personal Development Program (PDP) at Visage Technologies is a carefully structured, individualized process for personal growth. It’s mainly based on communication between team members and their superiors.
In a nutshell, here’s what you can expect from PDP:
Now, let’s see what all this is actually about.
First of all, at Visage Technologies, we believe that your professional growth should ultimately be up to you and not something we impose upon you. This means that each team member is the owner of their own development. The company’s main role here is to ensure optimal conditions for growth and development.
You set your own goals in cooperation with your team lead, you get all the support you need, and you can keep track of your goals and progress through our easy-to-use internal tool.
First things first – something called an f360. And no, it’s not a software, computer program, or airplane. 😀 It’s short for 360-degree feedback.
Now, you might think to yourself: “this is just a fancy name for a typical performance review, bosses trying to find your weak spots and see where you’re underperforming.” But we assure you – this is nothing like that.
What makes f360 different is that it’s not a one-way street but rather a great way for everyone to give feedback to everyone around them. This includes evaluating yourself, getting feedback from both your peers and team leads, and then providing feedback to all of them, as well.
An important part of PDP is also regular follow-up, which we do through 1-on-1 conversations. This is where we go through your development plan, evaluating whether your set goals are still relevant, motivating, and if they fit in with your role, everyday tasks, and wanted growth.
Team members also have 1-on-1s with their team leads, who provide ongoing support through everyday work (by choosing the type of work tasks, facilitating and encouraging communication in the team, delegating, giving direct feedback, etc.).
And now we’ve come to the final crucial part of personal growth and professional development at Visage Technologies – education. We want you to feel supported on all fronts, so we make sure to give you all the educational possibilities that we can. And there are plenty of them here.
Follow along to discover what they are.
In our line of work, change and new tech developments are happening by the minute – as we speak probably. And we are not the ones to stand in the way of them – we’ll always help you adjust and keep up with them. You will get nothing but support and encouragement on our end to nurture and work on your growth and development.
We want to help you grow, learn, and advance in your career, prevent stagnation and make sure you don’t lose the love and passion you have for your work.
Visage technologies – an inside look
So, what exactly do you have at your disposal when it comes to education at Visage Technologies?
Plenty of interesting and useful stuff! Here are some that might pique your interest the most.
Since our focus is on continuous education and development, there’s an allocated budget for various types of educational activities that you can take part in. These include conferences across the world, online courses, summer schools, internships, and similar. Everyone working at Visage Technologies is welcome to suggest and apply for any of these, provided they will give certain value.
With invaluable support and contribution from our HR team, as well as outside consultants, you can also participate in some pretty great internal workshops and coaching focusing mainly on communication skills and teamwork. Your personal growth is very important to us and we want to help you be the best you can be.
When you work in a big company such as ours, with several divisions and lots of teams, you can’t always stay in the loop with everything. That’s why, every now and then, we organize internal show & tell presentations and workshops. There, you can find out what’s going on and hear about the latest research and projects that teams have been working on.
We also love to share our knowledge externally and give back to the community, so you can also take part in our very own conference Computer Vision Talks. This is where our team members present and discuss a range of topics they’re knowledgeable about with other experts and enthusiasts, students, researchers, and developers.
Computer vision talks
Yes, we have our very own company library where you can borrow books – just like in a real library! You have at your disposal a range of books and subscriptions to relevant periodicals, and the list is constantly updated. Plus, you can always contribute to it with your own suggestions on which books to add to the list.
Company Library
If you have plans or ambitions for Ph.D. studies related to our field of work, you’re in luck! As a company that fully encourages research and development, we also support our employees in their Ph.D. studies. You can get partial or full financial support, time for your studies within working hours, and full use of the company infrastructure, library, and subscriptions. At the moment, around 7-8% of our team members have Ph.D.s, and the number is continually increasing.
“The research-engineering nature of my job at Visage Technologies goes hand in hand with the scientific research I do for my PhD. And what’s great is that my PhD research often generates new ideas for my work tasks at Visage. On the other hand, through my work at Visage Technologies, I often have the opportunity to test the functionality and limitations of scientific methods in industrial conditions and a real environment.”
Krešimir Bešenić, Senior R&D Engineer
If you’re an R&D engineer, or on your way to becoming one, you’ll be happy to hear that we have an in-house R&D center, where we do our own scientific research. More than 70% of our team is fully dedicated to research and development, and we are very proud of the work they do. Some of them have even published papers on their research, which is also something we highly encourage as a way of giving back to the community.
“Visage Technologies provides unwavering support for scientific work, even when it’s not strictly related to the work at hand. This support manifests in covering participation fees and travel expenses for conferences, compensation of expenses for appointments into scientific titles, publications in open-access journals, use of our infrastructure for research, and the like.”
Gordan Kreković, CEO
Moreover, we also love to work with students, so if you’re a master’s student, you can benefit from our master’s thesis mentoring and support, as well as amazing paid summer internships.
All in all, we’ve seen how eager and involved our team members are when it comes to education and personal growth. And we’ve also seen how much it means to them.
Our internal workshops, for example, fill up almost as fast as our kitchen does when someone brings chocolate goodies. Last year, almost 60% of our team members signed up for at least one workshop, and many of them for more than one.
So overall, this education plan that we have in place, along with our PDP, helps us learn more about our own competencies. It helps us understand what’re we good at and what we can put more focus on so that we can learn and grow from thereon. Not only professionally but also personally.
We work on keeping our communication as efficient as possible, but also on recognizing and, when needed, changing our own behavioral patterns to follow our personal growth and the growth of our team.
Fun, fair, and friendly.
We’ve seen nothing but good things when we provide people with the needed support and put their happiness and satisfaction first.
We can safely say that we’ve created – and will work to maintain – not only a great workplace, but also a community of people that actually like to work together, grow together, play together (both literally and figuratively 😉), and are always here to help each other out.
And as an added benefit, our approach and the community we’ve created have also allowed our company to develop into a strong and successful one. This is evident in the fact that since 2017, we’ve been continuously recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies by Deloitte and the Financial Times, something we are very proud of.
Now, if you like what you’ve read and want to be a part of our growing Visage family, check out our open positions and get in touch. We can’t wait to meet you! 🙂
We’re hiring and we want to hear from you! Explore our open positions and get in touch. 🙂