Low data size and memory usage ensure fast but yet accurate gender, age and emotion estimation in milliseconds (view references).
Face analysis works flawlessly on any device, both online and offline.
No personal data such as photos or names is stored or processed by default, ensuring privacy.
Integration is a breeze with the detailed guides and samples we’ve compiled during 10+ years of development and research.
Emotion estimation detects facial expressions from images or videos and returns the probability distribution of each of the six universal emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust, and additionally neutral.
There are certain common features in human faces that distinguish male faces from female ones. FaceAnalysis uses advanced machine learning techniques to provide you with gender detection.
Landmarks such as the location of the pupils, eye corners, lip boundaries, etc. change with age. Our algorithm was trained on a large database of different faces to detect the approximate age of a person based on such features.
FaceAnalysis detects faces in images or video and then uses face tracking and action units to accurately provide gender, emotions and age for the faces in roughly frontal position.
This allows you to track and respond to human behavior in real time, build engaging customer experiences and gain deeper insights into the effect of various stimuli on emotions.