piiq Digital: Bringing smart mirrors to hair salons
  • Client:

    piiq Digital

  • Technology:

    Face tracking, hair segmentation

  • Use case:

    Virtual hair color try-on for smart mirrors

95% of hair stylists believe they do a thorough consultation for each client. On the other hand, only 7% of clients feel they have ever received one at all. Knowing that communication can make or break customer experience, piiq has developed a smart mirror that helps both stylists and their clients end up satisfied.

About the client

Piiq Digital creates advanced visual tools that improve the communication between hair professionals and their clients. The company was founded by experts with first-hand experience in the hair industry and IT. Through collaboration with hairdressers across the globe, piiq Digital has created a smart mirror that completely re-imagines the hair salon experience.

Introducing virtual hair color try-on

Piiq Digital wanted to help clients visualize how the desired hair color would look on them before committing to a specific treatment. They wanted to deliver a revolutionary consultation experience that would both engage and inspire clients. To get there, piiq Digital relied on our skillful team of researchers, business consultants and developers.

The first step in creating a virtual hair color try-on was to detect the hair area. To do that, we developed a custom feature – hair segmentation. Each pixel of the image was segmented into two categories – hair and not-hair. Detecting the hair region allowed us to modify its color. Once developed and thoroughly tested, our hair segmentation algorithms were ready to be integrated into piiq Digital smart mirrors. The final result was a virtual hair color try-on that allows users to try out different hair colors in real time.

Since our technology is extremely lightweight, it runs smoothly on all devices. This way, the desired hair color is applied instantly and stays in place as users move their head around or look at themselves from different angles.

Virtual hair color try-on works locally on device, even without an Internet connection. If the hair salon experiences difficulties with their network, it won’t affect the client. They will still be able to enjoy their salon experience to the fullest.

“Working with Visage Technologies couldn’t have been easier. Their deep knowledge, speed of development and willingness to co-create meant we had a true development partner to support the easy implementation of our vision into reality.”

Richard Kavanagh, piiq Co-founder

Bringing smart mirrors to hair salons

Piiq Digital smart mirrors are AI-powered devices designed to complement hair salon services. The mirrors have a hidden camera, built-in beauty lighting, and on-mirror display. They are controlled by a tablet, which helps stylists present the right information to each client.

As the stylist guides a client through a personalized try on, the client gets to explore different hairstyles virtually. They can try out different hair colors, find inspiration in a regularly updated library of hair images, and more. Relevant information simply appears on the mirror in front of them. This way, they can easily discuss various choices with their stylist until they find just what they need.

Piiq smart mirrors help clients find the best fit without fearing bad hair dye outcomes. This not only prevents clients from being unhappy with their new hair color but also helps stylists provide the best service. For hair professionals, it’s a useful tool that helps them understand clients’ wishes and bring them closer to achieving the perfect results.

Put your project into expert hands

Get started with proven computer vision technology or let our team create a custom turnkey solution for you.