Inside Visage Technologies’ 2024 internship: What’s it like to be an intern

At Visage Technologies, our internship program is your chance to dive headfirst into the world of AI and computer vision. 

It’s where big ideas meet practical solutions, and learning goes hand in hand with creating.

And 2024 was no exception. From groundbreaking projects, supportive mentors, and an environment that made every challenge an opportunity to grow – we kept raising the bar and having fun along the way.

Let’s peek behind the scenes and find out first-hand what this year’s internship was all about.

Visage Technologies internship: A bit of backstory

“I have always heard great things about the company and meeting the colleagues at Visage Technologies’ stand during Meet the Mathematicians
gave me the push to apply for this internship.”

– Petra, Student Intern

Each year, Visage Technologies opens its doors to ambitious and talented students through its summer internship program. The program is designed for Master’s students and those about to become Master’s students.

It’s a full-time, financially compensated internship that lasts for six weeks between the end of August and the beginning of October. And all the magic happens at our offices, where our amazing team creates both a fun and enticing working atmosphere.


Our student interns get to work on cutting-edge projects in computer vision and machine learning that challenge their skills and spark their creativity. And, of course, they are guided by dedicated mentors who, along with the rest of our team, create an environment of innovation, collaboration, and personal growth.

When asked what makes Visage Technologies internships stand out from others, Fran Kukec, one of the mentors, said:

“Our internship offers unique projects and opportunities for working
in AI which often engage the interns in a creative and cerebral way – there is more than one way to get to a solution.”

And Lovro Katalinić, another one of our mentors this year, agrees. He added:

“Most companies do not have R&D projects like these, which peak
the interest of some of the best students from technical universities.
Plus, I think the culture and atmosphere in our company is something
that makes our internship loved and highly recommended by students.”

➥ Two divisions

Now, before we dive into the actual projects, it’s also important to mention that Visage Technologies operates through two specialized divisions: Automotive and Face Technology.

The Automotive division focuses on leveraging computer vision for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles, while the Face Technology focuses on face tracking, analysis, and recognition, and develops cutting-edge face and beauty AR technology.

These distinct yet complementary areas provide interns with a comprehensive exposure to real-world challenges and solutions, each with their own set of unique internship projects.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the highlights, projects, and experiences shared by the participants, mentors, and organizers.

Behind the scenes: The Student Internship Committee (SIC)

How does our internship come to fruition every year?

Mostly thanks to our Student Internship Committee (SIC). They are the power behind the organization of it all whose tireless efforts ensure everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

Anamarija Čavka, a long-standing member, shared some of their main responsibilities:

“The Student Internship Committee organizes the entirety of the
internship program. The Committee sets the timeline, supports the topic selection and refinement as well as student selection, oversees
the applications and promotions, and, together with Marketing and
Human Resources, organizes events and activities.”

And when it comes to the selection process and the candidates, she added:

“I believe the quality of applicants this year was outstanding. I have participated in all internships so far as an organizer and in several as
a mentor, and this year, it was particularly hard to make the selection.”

Our SIC also highlighted that it’s very important for us to make sure students have the opportunity to prioritize topics and choose projects that genuinely spark their interest.

Dora Matić, another committee member, added:

“We put extra effort into understanding what a student might want
the most by reading their motivational letters. We make sure every
applicant’s preferences are taken into account.”

And the effort paid off, as the committee’s dedication ensured a smooth process from start to finish. Reflecting on the experience, Anamarija shared that “Getting positive feedback from students on the quality of our student internship program makes it all worthwhile.” Dora added that “Seeing student interns stay with us as student developers is incredibly rewarding.”

Domagoj Šimag – From student to mentor

Ultimately, even though internship work requires a lot of time and effort from our team, they still enjoy it. “Internship work is fun and company promotions at universities was the most fun I had as a part of SIC,” Dora adds with a smile on her face.

Antea Hadviger, another member of the SIC, loves working with students, and having already worked with them in the past, she “felt that joining SIC was a good opportunity to make use of my previous experience.” She continued:

“Working with highly motivated students has always been rewarding.
I was very pleasantly surprised with our applicants’ enthusiasm and
knowledge shown as early as in the interview phase, which was very motivational and proved that my decision to join SIC was the right one.”

What did our students work on in 2024…

So, our 2024 internship featured a diverse array of projects. Each project was carefully chosen to align with Visage Technologies’ expertise, providing interns with opportunities to contribute meaningfully to ongoing research and development and get some hands-on experience.

The 2024 topics included:

  • Data safety and backdoor attacks on neural networks
  • Evaluating visual odometry accuracy for sequences without ground truth
  • Computer vision performance analysis tool – PyStat
  • Pretraining vision CNNs using masked image modeling
  • Enhancing real-time monocular depth estimation using knowledge distillation
  • Face beautification through imperfection removal
  • Quantify and visualize jitter in face alignment systems

Our mentor Fran highlighted the relevance of the face beautification project he led:

“My project was about digital face beautification, which uses image processing and clustering techniques to clean the face of imperfections as if they never existed. It’s relevant because it can be introduced in our makeup try-on applications, used in healthcare – showing a clean and healthy appearance of a face, and in image preprocessing – removing noise introduced by blemishes, such as facial redness.”

And when it comes to Fran’s intern Lara and her work on the project, he adds:

“I was impressed by my intern’s task decomposition ability, which allowed her to see parts of the algorithm that could be easily improved in iterations. She greatly exceeded my ambitions for the task.”

Our mentor Lovro’s project was equally enticing:

“We worked on a specific solution for distance estimation of the objects in the world, given images as input. This specific solution was trying to mitigate the issues we face in our everyday work, which are hardware, time, and data limitations.”

And he was very satisfied with the students he mentored, proudly emphasizing how they “were constantly investigating and trying out new things that looked promising”.

He continued:

“Students managed to cover everything we wanted them to try out and got some interesting results, showing that the method we were looking into is worth implementing. They also did more than we initially imagined to be in the scope of the internship and showed what we need to further improve the solutions.”

…and how do they feel about it?

But what do the student interns themselves say about their internship projects?

Let’s hear it straight from them.

Dominik, one of the interns, worked on “knowledge distillation” as a method for improving smaller neural networks. “We chose depth estimation for the task,” he explained, “over which we would test the method. The final improvements we had really showed that knowledge distillation works, and that just made me happy.”
Petra’s project focused on pretraining vision CNNs using masked image modeling. Despite facing some challenges, such as limited time and resources considering the scope of the project, she proudly stated, “We got better results than we expected at the end of the project.”
For Gabriel and Arijan, their topic, “Evaluating visual odometry accuracy for sequences without ground truth,” brought unique challenges. Gabriel explained that “The goal was to obtain a method for evaluating trajectory quality by running the sequence through the algorithm in the standard forward and then backward direction.”
Moreover, Arijan added, “The most challenging part was finding the correlation between the two trajectories and recognizing whether it was a valid/robust method. After suggestions from our mentor, we were finally able to find a method that disproved the initial hypothesis.”

What about a typical day at the office, what did it look like for our students?

“It consisted of pure enjoyment: blasting ideas for the project in the code, running it and seeing how it goes, having fun with other students and employees, playing billiards, and chess.”

Dominik, Student Intern

“A typical day included a morning sync with Gabriel about the progress and division of tasks, working on the topic, periodic meetings with mentors, and hanging out with other students in the main kitchen.”

Arijan, Student Intern

We can see that they had their fun, too. It wasn’t all work and no play at Visage Technologies – it never is.

Internship impact and outcomes

The Visage Technologies internship isn’t just a summer experience; it’s a launching pad for growth, discovery, and long-term success. This year, interns walked away with more than just new technical skills – they gained confidence, teamwork abilities, and memories that will last a lifetime.

visage technologies internship

“This experience gave me a closer perspective on the real deal,” shared Dominik. “It was great to see how things are done in practice, beyond the theoretical knowledge from university.” For him, the internship was a firm stepping stone toward his career in AI.

✧ Mentorship that makes a difference

Mentors played a crucial role in shaping the interns’ experiences. Fran, who led the face beautification project, noted the importance of striking a balance. He would describe his mentorship as “Calm and collected, focusing on teaching by taking simple steps, often getting the mentee to the solution on their own.”

Lovro was very happy with the quality of his students and the discussions they had:

“We had really good students on the project so usually they managed to resolve all the issues that they encountered by themselves. Us mentors had a short half-an-hour meeting every day to discuss problems and ways forward with students, but often these discussions led to talks about some broader topic related to the work we do in Visage Technologies, which were really interesting.”

And the mentors’ guidance and principles were very well received and resonated with our interns:

“Our mentors were always available for any questions we had but still let us come to our own conclusions.”

Petra, Student Intern

“They were all super available and always full of ideas and ways to help and improve.”

Dominik, Student Intern

“The mentors perfectly combined the freedom of exploration and providing help when we got stuck.”

Arijan, Student Intern


✧ Beyond the internship

The program’s impact extended beyond the internship itself. Many interns took their newfound skills and confidence to the next level, transitioning into student developer roles at Visage Technologies.

For the mentors, the Committee, and all of us at Visage Technologies, this is the ultimate reward.

Now, as for some words of wisdom for the next generations of students, our interns are in agreement:

  • Dominik: “Enjoy! Ask! Relax!”
  • Petra: “Ask! There is probably someone who already had the same problem.”
  • Arijan: “Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as you can.”

So, in a word – ask. 😀

But students aren’t the only ones who need some good advice and guidance. So, here’s our mentor Fran’s two cents for our future mentors:

“Don’t take yourself too seriously and approach problems in a funny and educational manner – it’s way easier for students to work in such an environment. Also, believe in yourself and plan well ahead.”

Join us this summer

At Visage Technologies, we’re already gearing up for our next internship, and we can’t wait to welcome another group of curious, driven, and creative minds.

Whether you’re passionate about computer vision, machine learning, or just eager to work on projects that challenge and inspire, don’t hesitate to apply.

Want to know more?

Stay tuned for updates on our next internship announcement, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Visage Technologies Internship for more info or explore our internship topics from previous years.

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